Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Cerro (hill) Verde (green) National Park

24 June
We left the coast and headed to Cerro Verde National Park.  However, we had to stop at the local shopping center to buy SIM cards and data service for El Salvador.  You can’t use the same SIM card in El Salvador that we had in Guatemala.  The phone we’re using requires a micro SIM card, so we bought a regular SIM card and then had it cut to the small card size.  The SIM card cost $3 USD, and to cut to size cost another $1 USD.  Service for 2GB of data for one month (the minimum time) was $10 USD.  We weren’t expecting data at the park, but to our happy surprise we have the best connectivity that we’ve had in several days.

The road to the park was rough with the added dimension of dodging over-hanging tree limbs.  Of course, both Roger and Sandra did excellent jobs driving their rigs.  It cost $12 USD for us to get into the park, including overnight dry camping.  It is chilly here due to the altitude of 2030m. We were able to see Coatepeque Lake, which is a volcanic crater lake.

We did a nature walk through the orchid area, new and old forests.  It is very cloudy, so it is hit or miss on good shots on the two volcanoes:  Amire Izalco Volcano and Santa Ana Volcano.  Amire used to be called the “Lighthouse of the Pacific”, since ships used to be able to see it from sea.  A hotel was constructed by the park and finished in 1981.  Oddly enough only a couple of months after completion, the volcano quit putting out visible light.  The hotel went out of business and has deteriorated since it was abandoned.  The view was nice from around the hotel, but the clouds were rather frustrating.

The orchid area only had a few orchids blooming.  According to our nature guide, the majority of the orchids bloom in May and December.  Tonight we may or may not be able to do some star gazing.  Norm says the stars are amazing, since there’s no light pollution.  Right now it’s too cloudy.  Hopefully the breeze will push the clouds away so we can do a little stargazing this evening.

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