Monday, June 9, 2014

Let's get this show on the road...

June 7-9   We left Garden Ridge and had an uneventful drive south to Alamo TX.  Our first official stop on the trip was Sonic, so Roger could get his last fix, then we went on to Sippel's Hardware to top off the propane tank.  I drove from there until a rest area two hours south of San Antonio.  For me, the RV drives well enough for it's size, but I miss the get up and go of the turbo that we had in the smaller unit.  With this said, I really really like the extra space and storage, so there are pluses and minuses to both.

We arrived at the highway noise Alamo RV park and resort.  It is very hot here in the Rio Gran Valley.  Saturday was basically our transit day, and on Sunday we had our first official meeting of the expedition.  There are only going to be three RV's headed south.  There was going to be a fourth, but they had to drop out at the last minute, due to his mother's death (which he sort of expected.)  They may catch up with us in Cartagena.  Anyway our group currently consists of  Norm Yelland, our expedition leader; Sandra Toomey from Washington state; and us.  We have mixed feelings about the size, on the one hand there's hopefully better quality of service with just two units, on the other hand there are fewer people to get to know and share experiences with.  It is what it is.

On Sunday morning we had a rig inspection.  We only needed to get a locking gas cap and large funnel. The locking gas cap is to ensure we get the right fuel in our tank, since there was a problem a previous trip with the service attendant putting diesel into a gas engine tank.  The large funnel is to get water into our water tank.  Apparently there are several places where water is delivered in five gallon containers and we have to pour it into the tank.  A small funnel won't work fast enough volume wise, so after a walking trip to Walmart and on to O'Reilly's Auto we have every thing needed to pass inspection.

Sunday afternoon we went to Progresso Mexico to get our paperwork in order for hopefully a quicker boarder crossing on Tuesday.  Norm told us to say we were going to Cancun and back, because Mexico charges a different rate if you are just passing through the country in route to another country.  Seems very odd to do this, but we just do what our guide tells us to do.  Our visas and RV permit cost $60.  Our RV now has a 10 year permit to be anywhere in Mexico.  According to Norm, this will be one of many experience learned border paperwork drills.

Today, Sandra is going to get her radio fixed.  She has a deluxe custom Earth Roamer vehicle.  Apparently the radio that she has installed can receive, but not transmit.  Norm wants us all to be able to communicate, so her rig is in the shop today.  We're doing a couple of tasks that were recommended by Norm, but that should all be taken care of by noon.  So then we'll be waiting to get going tomorrow morning at 6:30.

No pictures, because Alamo looks like any other place in the USA, except for the fact that English is the second language spoken here.  The Walmart is extremely busy with Mexican shoppers and the USA flag is proudly on display at every checkout aisle.

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