Sunday, June 29, 2014

Otro dia en San Vicente

29 June
We’re still in San Vicente.  This morning we had to take the obligatory trip into town.  We rode in a small Toyota pickup truck complete with hand holds, cost 25 cents.  Here’s the church and the “world famous” tower in San Vicente.  The clock tower was closed for climbing up the stairs, due to a prolonged painting project of the tower.  

We also went to the town’s “Mercado” where Sandra bought a hammock.  As soon as she made her purchase we had to get out of there, because there were too many people.  

We stopped at several hardware stores to see if they could cut a key (Roger had misplaced his key on the other key ring.)  Unfortunately they couldn’t.  The good news was that Sandra got more “gigi’s” which to the tune of 2GB of phone internet data for $10.  She is an Internet data piglet, to say the least.  Throughput is a challenge, and a lot of places only sell in terms of MB for “navigacion.”  The things we take for granted.  We also stopped at Pollo Campero, for breakfast (again), so Sandra took advantage of the free wi-fi Internet.

For lunch we had pupuso’s again.  They are made with Harina de Arroz (rice flour), and then you can request cheese, frijoles, chorrizo.  They are cooked on a hot propane heated griddle.  The lady was very nice in explaining how she makes puposo’s.

Another nice day in the pools, but we are ready to resume our trip south tomorrow.

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