Thursday, September 11, 2014


11 Sept

With a 4:30 am alarm set, our day began.  We took a cab to the airport and on the way there the driver asked us which airport?  Huh?  I didn't know that there was more than one airport in Bogota.  The cab driver then asked which airline, and I answered Avianca.  He thought we should be going to the commuter airport and not El Dorado.  This caused us to scramble in the dark for our tickets, to confirm which airport.  El Dorado was the right one, although after changing our tickets yesterday I wasn't 100% sure until we double checked.

Our flight from Bogota to Bucarramanga only took an hour, and when we landed Martha and Manuel were there to pick us up.  Manual then dropped us off at the boundary between Florida Blanca and Bucarramanga, because his car wasn't allowed to drive in Bucarramanga.  We took a cab to the hotel once we were dropped off.  It just seemed strange to switch rides at the edge of town.  Somehow or other (true to the Colombian way) Martha got Jaime's godfather to comp our room at the hotel.  At least I think that's what is happening.  Anyway once we dropped off our stuff in the room, Martha took us to meet Jaime's godfather so we could thank him for the room.  We spent some time "chatting" with him and then we caught another cab to the old house.  We waited there for Gloria to arrive and then went to lunch with Gloria and on to Giron to see the old capital of Santander and the historic district.  Giron is painted white and brown, as oppose to the white and green paint scheme we saw yesterday in Cucunuba.  After Giron we caught a cab back to Bucarramanga, where Gloria took us to see the house where Simon Bolivar lived for 3 months in April 1828.  There was a museum inside and the most interesting thing on display was the skulls of indigenous people and how they deliberately wore things to either elongate or flatten their heads.  Weird.  We then went to a cultural center to see what was going to happen this weekend.  There was a boy band rehearsing, with folk instruments.  By this time we were running out of gas, and Gloria took us back to the old house to check on Martha again, before we took a cab back to hotel.

To my non-family readers, I apologize for all the family news.  However I know my most faithful reader is digesting every word and examining every picture in detail.

1 comment:

  1. You got that right! Love all the details and pictures! Love to hear about your family, too! Almost seems like I know them. A lot in common!
