Thursday, August 21, 2014


20 and 21 Aug Once again we tried to get our shipping resolved. Yesterday after numerous E-Mails and phone calls nothing got sent to us. The E-Mail said that the information was being inputted into the system and we'd get something soon... Today, we left our overnight parking at 8:30 and moved the RV closer to the port. We still didn't have any paperwork, so we decided to walk to an Internet Cafe in hopes of having something worth printing by the time we got there. We should have realized that Murphy was going to prevail today, because when we got to the Internet Cafe their system was down. While there we did get some paperwork in. So we had to go find another Internet Cafe to print the paperwork out. Once we had the paperwork, we headed back to the harbor and went in search of the booking company. The first Maersk office said they only make containers, try the office around the corner. The second Maersk line said they aren't shipping agents try Ian Taylor SA, by ADUANA. So we walked over there. We then had to take a number and wait, and wait. Eventually Andes came out and asked us how he could help. We showed him the paperwork and he said that we didn't have a Bill of Laden or vessel name. Andes was very helpful, he made some phone calls and talked with Carlos, who was the POC on our form. Of course both places closed for lunch and we were told to call Carlos' office later after lunch. We called after 2pm and Carlos told us that we had the wrong office, because he only deals with importation not exportation. This despite the fact that the paperwork with Carlos' name on it said we were shipping from San Antonio to Houston. Carlos told us I needed to speak with Francesca, who was out to lunch and to call her after 3. So I called after 3 and talked with Francesca. She started asking me about our VIN, color of RV, etc. I told her it was all on the forms that we had received earlier this morning and the same forms that Andes had E-Mailed earlier as well. She told me that she need the basic information and so I tried sending it to her again. I spoke with her one more time today and she said that she was working on it and to call back later. I called at 5:55 and was told that she was on the other line and she would return my call. At 6:03 I called her office again, and apparently nobody answers the phone after 6, because it just rang and rang. In case you are wondering, I am extremely frustrated and annoyed. Somebody has had our money since Monday, and so far we don't have any valid information as to how to get our RV turned over for shipping. Murphy's Law prevails, or Ground Hog Day tomorrow? Only time will tell. Please keep your fingers crossed for us that it all works itself out tomorrow. Since we are tired of Puerto de San Antonio.

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