Saturday, August 16, 2014

Roughin' it

15 Aug We left Paine, which was 46 miles south of Santiago and where Ignacio had his RV lot. We decided to drive to San Antonio, where the port is that we're working on getting our RV shipped out of to Houston. Today was a Chilean holiday, so we'll be waiting until Monday to get more of the specifics on our RV drop off. While in San Antonio, we changed our cell service to International to make sure the shipping agent could get a hold of us, and that we were able to call him. Since I wanted to test the service change out I called Mom from San Antonio. Of course this was confusing to her, part of my keep her on her toes plan. I straightened her out by saying I was calling from San Antonio Chile. It was just good to touch base with her, although brief because the phone beeped and a I thought it might be the shipping company, which it wasn't just a bothersome Claro text. It's odd how getting comfortable with Verizon all these years can throw me a curve when I'm using an unfamiliar system. It took us awhile to find a parking space in San Antonio, probably an hour of driving around. I spotted a gas station with a side street that had a bus parked on it and Roger asked the driver if it was OK to park behind him. We used this space to walk to the central mall that was listed as having an open Claro store. The strip along the fishing section of the port was busy with people enjoying a Friday afternoon off. When we got back to the RV, I asked Roger if we could drive to Santo Domingo to see if we could find a nicer spot. Roger humored me and we parked in a lot right next to the boardwalk near the Rocs de Santo Domingo. We took a walk to check for any no camping or overnight parking and all we saw was no tent camping on the beach. It is so much better of a place than where we were in San Antonio. It's just nice to have a serene place to park. The only downside to where we're parked is that there is no cell signal. How will we ever survive?

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