Sunday, August 24, 2014

Uneventful day

24 Aug Today was uneventful, nothing earth shaking after yesterday's 6.4 earthquake. I also read that northern CA also had an earthquake as well, global forces in action. It stopped raining about noon, so we headed out to take care of some domestic business, as our tanks need dumping. We headed north only to discover it is one little town after another. The road got narrow, so when we could we turned around and headed back towards Santo Domingo, to the same spot we've used before. Once we got back to San Antonio, we moved the RV to a more level spot. Thank goodness, since the last couple of days Roger has been rolling towards me during the night and I've had to fight for mattress space. We are very level where we are right now, but will definitely have to move first thing tomorrow morning, as cars get parked where we are. Juan Eduardo stopped by to check on us and to feed the dogs. There are 6 dogs that hang around and so he feels like he should feed them. Regardless they all come running when he shows up. Right now we have sunshine, the first we've seen in over a week. This has help improved Eeyore's attitude somewhat, so he's trying to be more optimistic about tomorrow. I contend that Murphy will get the best of us, since we dropped off laundry on Saturday for a late Monday afternoon pickup. Only time will tell... We went back to Juan Eduardo's restaurant for empanada's del pino. They were just as good today as they were yesterday. I had my Mom fix today. I called Trent, because we hadn't talked with him all trip. We had skyped with Reid, so I was overdue to chat briefly with Trent. He's in Mississippi at his last off site. He says he's trying to do some studying for his boards, but they don't happen for a while. In the meantime he was missing Jenny and Turk. I expect to have blog worthy news tomorrow. I can be optimistic about the prospect...

1 comment:

  1. Today is Monday, Aug. 25th. (Just finished reading your last 3 blogs). Hopefully, Murphy will NOT prevail today! It's good to hear that the Chileans are such nice & helpful people especially since you have pretty much been stranded there. Empanadas de pino sound yummy! Maybe you can bring back the recipe. Also glad to hear that the earthquake didn't cause you any more problems. The Napa wine people in California were hit pretty hard by the earthquake. Hope everybody's stocked up on their wine! Buena suerte hoy con Murphy.
