Sunday, August 3, 2014

Up and down, with hairpin curves

31 July

The drive from Santa Rosa de Osos was our first independent day.  We elected not to stay with our guide, Norman Yelland, as life is to short to be frustrated by a con-artist.

Roger said that it was the nicest day of driving we had despite the first two thirds being challenging with slow moving traffic, getting passed by people who don't want to share the road, and generally uncivilized.

Santa Rosa is north of Medellin and we drove to south of Cali.  Getting through Medellin wasn't too bad, except that we went around the round about three times before we figured out that southbound was the second turn not the first.  We stopped twice to confirm we were headed in the right direction after we got out of Medellin because traffic had dropped so significantly.  Yes was the answer both times, which was a good thing.

Once we got to Pereira, we had autopista until the outskirts of Cali.  We took the bypass and ended up in the sugar cane fields and had to watch for trens de canero.  The cane trains are pulled by a heavy duty truck, with four loaded trailers behind.  I took some pictures, but you'll have to wait until we figure out how to upload them because the laptop is sporadic now.

We drove to Villa Rica, thinking we could find a paquero which we did based on the map.  However the map doesn't indicate how quaint the overnight parking lot is.  It was sort of a truck stop, but without any trucker services.  Gas and parking.  It was also near a neighborhood, so we got to listen to somebody's loud latin music.  I think there's going to be a whole generation of deaf folks in both Central and South America based on how loud they like to play and share their music.

Random thoughts:
- The majority of women aren't flattered in their rear view when sitting on the back of a motorcycle.
- The majority of motorcycle drivers are male.
- We saw lots of unteathered cattle and horses grazing on the side of the road.
-  Do not travel slow or close to a diesel truck, for a long t

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