Tuesday, July 22, 2014


21 July

We walked around the walled city today.  Not much has changed in the last 5 years, since I was last here.  The fort is still there, the wall is still there, the clock tower may have gotten a coat of paint, and the traffic is busy on weekdays.  One noticeable change was that taxis are now using natural gas, which is 75% cheaper than regular gas, which is about $5/gal. 

I had a request for "lots of pictures" so I'm not going to write a lot today.  The highlight of last night was Facetiming with Trent and Jenny, and then Skyping with Reid this evening.  It's the simple things.  This coupled with the revival of the laptop made today noteworthy from a blogging viewpoint.  Although the operating system of the laptop is back to Windows 7 and the Spanish version.

 These scupltures were outside the museo de arte moderno.  Thought of several people when we saw these.


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