Sunday, July 27, 2014

Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas

27 July

Yes we're still Cartagena, despite getting our RVs back yesterday.   Somebody is causing us to wait because he left driver's license in Panama.  Roger has his driver's license.

We're parked in the lot by the Old Shoes statue.  The poem Viejos Zapatos was written by Luis Carlos Lopez de Cartagena.  After the obligatory pictures, we did a toure of the Castillo.  We rented audio station players to learn more about the castle which really is a fort.  Construction started in 1630, which was finished in a year thanks to a lot of African slave labor.  There were several additions over time.  The fort was only capture one time by the French, who ended up dying on site from African slave infections such as yellow fever, so the Spanairds got it back until the fall of the Spanish empire.
Note our RV in the background

The only way into the fort in the 1600-1700s.  Now the steps are not used.

View from the fort down to our RVs.

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