Saturday, July 26, 2014

Good news, bad news

26 July

The Good News:
Today paperwork was completed, our vehicles inspected (several times), Custom declaration and payment, so our vehicles were released to us.  It took from 8 to 1 to get this accomplished.  Lucky for me all I had to do was sit and wait in a waiting room with a/c.  Since the title is in Roger's name, he had to do all the running around in the hot Cartagena weather.  I think Roger sweated off 10 pounds today.

We're parked at the Castillo de San Felipe visitors parking lot.   We've been visited by both the National Police and local castle seguridad guys wanting us to know that we were safe to park overnight.  I really think they all wanted to see inside our RVs.  One guy wanted to travel with us.  It is hot on the brick pavement.  We are running out generator and a/c because Roger is exhausted and trying to regroup from a touch of dehydration.

The Bad News:
There was damage to our RV during shipping.  Ours was the only unit with damage.  We have a slideout and when it goes out there's a canopy that goes out with it.  Somehow, the shippers destroyed the canopy.  Roger ended up removing the canopy and broken parts, so now at least we can move the slideout out.  Unfortunately the salvagable parts were too big to store, so Roger ended up scraping most of the pieces.  He did keep the smaller pieces that could be stored.  One of the police was happy to get the canopy and said that he was going to use it to shade his back yard.  Glad some good came out of a bad situation.

The other current issue is our right front tire was low, 40 psi and not 85 psi.  Roger spent a long time washing the tire with soapy water trying to see if there was a visible problem.  One of the security guys also came over to supervise Roger's efforts.  Roger could find no leaks, so he's hoping that the valve stem extender just came loose.  He tightened it up some.   He'll test it tomorrow morning and see what the psi is.  The security guard told me that there was a tire repair shop very close by.  I drew a map from his instructions, just to make sure I was understanding what he was telling me, so if we have to go we won't get lost.

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