Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What every girl wants for her birthday

29 July

We left our scenic hotel and headed to the Zooparque Los Caimones near Buenavista  (heading south towards Medellin.)  Our first stop was at a school that Norm insisted we visit.  The kids were like locusts wanting the school supplies we had.  We tried to give them to the principal and teachers, but they said give it to the children directly.  We did not enjoy the experience and doubt the children got anything meaningful from our visit, so we decided that we won't be making any more school visits.  Very frustrating and very typical of Norm not arranging  this properly.  I can't imagine if 4 strangers showed up a USA school, walking into classrooms and  having students start grabbing for supplies.  So disorganized.

Afterwards we walked across the street and went into a local furniture manufacturing shop.  They were making beautiful furniture out of a variety of hard woods.  Sandra has a woodshop so she was really interested in the different woods.  She asked for some scraps and now has the Spanish names written on the wood, so she can later translate the wood pieces.

We then drove the 10km to the caiman farm.  They raise caiman for meat and leather, as well as tourism.  The property also has several animal areas with black horned antelope, zebras, a lion, a hippo named Timoteo, ostriches, monkeys, water fowl, snakes, and water buffalo.

Needless to say, every girl should be taken to the caiman farm on her birthday.  We had caiman steaks for dinner.  They were different and to me rather unremakable.  The farm exports all over the world, especially to Asia.  They also send the skins overseas for proper tanning.

Senor Caiman and how he handles the docile caimans.

Pulling caimans is exhausting
This is what a hot, sweaty, 55 year old looks like.
Natalia was the ostrich's name.  She won her race.
Timoteo was the name of the lone hippo in the park.

Weird that I saw both Natalia and Timothy on my birthday.


1 comment:

  1. Trinora, HAPPY, HAPPY B-DAY!! Okay, I get the name Timoteo, but who is Natalia?
