Friday, July 18, 2014

Mission Accomplished

18 July

Since we had were taken (quite literally) on a sightseeing tour two days ago, today was what we'd consider an admin day.  First order of business was to do a load of laundry in the Hilton Garden's laundry machine.  An actual coin operated washer and dryer made my morning.  It's the little things that this American appreciates.  Especially since yesterday and the day before we sweated a lot and I believe Roger's shirts could stand up by themselves with all the dried salt in them.

Sandra went with Ben to see him off back to Seattle, so Roger and I went on walkabout to find a guide book on Colombia and the Post Office.  I had researched on line where a bookstore was in Panama City close to the Hilton and so we walked the several blocks to get there.  Unfortunately they didn't have a guide book.  The ladies there were very nice and suggested another store that had a book department.  It was on the way back to the hotel so we stopped there with no luck.  However, we did find out that we were very close to the post office.  Just across the street in the Plaza Concordia.  We crossed the street and the search was on.  Originally we were told it was on the lower street level and you could see the "Correo" sign.  After walking up and down the block, no joy.  We were then told to go up a level and take an "izquerda" (left) and go all the way through the mall.  Strike two.  We turned around an were told to go around the edge and the Correo was in the back part of the mall.  We found it!  It was an important mission, because I wanted to get Aaron's birthday card mailed before his birthday, regardless of when it gets delivered.  I was told that it would take two weeks to arrive, but wasn't concerned as long as it got mailed.  The surprising thing was the cost, only $0.55.  I thought the lady had made a mistake and she said no, that's what postage costs even for Air Mail.  This was surprising, because my experience during other trips was that mailing back home was expensive.  Despite the affordability it is still a challenge to find post cards.

Roger is a bit under the weather.  His cast iron digestive system has decided to revolt.  Last night was long for him and fortunately this morning's walk about was not interrupted (except for the rain.)  We'll be taking it easy this afternoon as it looks like it's going to be raining off and on all day, and Roger doesn't want to stray too far from his throne.

There's always tomorrow...

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